Friday, October 8, 2010

Save Marriage- Don't Let it Die, Don't Let It Go

Treasure your relationship. Save your marriage! Save your marriage
What is it that binds two hearts together and makes them one? What is it that can cheer up lonely heart and can heal wounds? It’s a source of happiness if you find a real one, but a cause of heartache if you lose someone. The poem below will tell you what.

Save me please, don’t let me die

Now that you are parting where will I go?
You didn’t hold me dear, what would I do?
When you were happy together, I was there with you
Sharing your happiness and the love you once knew.

Since the day you were one, I stayed in between.
Safe and so secure, no worries deep within.
I don’t have any fear, what tomorrow will bring.
I was sure when you said; your love will never end.

Those promises you’ve made, I heard and I confirmed
The sweet love you had shared, like a fire it had burned.
To know about your love, it’s a story so grand.
It’s me who only know, no one else in the land
You gave honour to me, when finally you agreed
To share your love together, in your words and your deeds
Your promises and vows, are ought to be fulfilled
I was there to support, and give you what you need

You signed up the paper; your decision is smart
As a man and a woman, you have given your hearts.
The moment you were one, new journey you start
With your firm and strong love, death can only set it apart

When you held each other arms, I was always around.
To prove and testify, the true love you both found,
I was just like a rope, your hearts I held and bound
Your hearts that yearned for love, I made them safe and sound

As you travel along, your journey that’s so long.
I notice in between, there’s always something wrong.
Storms days of your love, I hope I can be strong.
To tighten up your love, and help you carry on.

I remember those times when you frequently fight,
Yelling with each other, trying to prove who’s right
Then there comes the silence, the coldness of the night
I began to worry, how can I hold you tight?

Your hearts starts aching, your love starts dying.
I don’t know what to do, to stop you from crying.
No matter how I tried, is always frustrating.
If only you will care, and save me from breaking.

These words I’m uttering, I know you cannot hear.
Even I am pleading, you will not even care.
I sighing and groaning, I know you cannot bear
Both of you are in pain, losing your love that’s dear.

Before I will depart, I have to let you know.
Who am I do you think? And why I was with you.
I said because of me, your love begun to grow.
And now you ignore me, maybe I need to go.
A puzzle it would be, a riddle it may seem.
I am the only reason why, you exchange your wedding ring.
If you let your love go, it’s me you are throwing
If divorce is you choice, you’re casting me the same

Hear me cry when you break up; see me smile when you make up.
So now I’m pleading to you, please go get your ex back
If you still don’t know, I will not go around
I hope you understand, marriage is what I am

Stop that break up and save your marriage, that’s all what is all about this poem. Treasure our marriage and our relationship and don’t let it go.

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