Monday, September 20, 2010

Poems About Heartache or Sad Love Poems Features The Bitterness of Your Love

Poems about heartache can also be sad love poems. This poem is not just a poem but it can be real to those once experience the bitterness of love. If we are not in the situation we don’t know exactly how it feels. But the deepest wound someone could ever inflict to his partner is when you ask back her ring because you found someone new. When you untie the string that bind your hearts and let your love go heartache comes. I think that would be considered cruelty. But it happens that’s why we cry. It was said that “Love is a many splendored thing” But it could be a many hurtful things. So we need to take good care of relationship and cherish it. Treasure it like a precious diamond in our hands. To think that love is sweeter the second time around is a big error someone will think of. If it was hard for you the first one, you might learn a lesson but it doesn’t mean you will do better if you find a new one. Cos what really matters is how you handle your relationship. Love is not a game to play nor is a food that if you don’t like the taste you just spit it out. Love should be a lasting bond for those who can keep it. But whether we wanted so much that our relationship be firm, sometimes we don’t know the reason why. Even once true love must have to say goodbye. Others consider it an accident which I doubt it is. It must be carelessness. Anyhow that’s the reason why poems about heartache or sad love poems are composed not because of the poet’s great imagination but because it’s true to life situations.
The Bitterness of your love- Poems about heartache
How sweet to hear those endearing words, it touch my heart my innermost.
I wonder if they’re true or false, that I’m the one you love the most.

I did believe you anyway, I was convinced you’re there for me.
But then you change so suddenly, you said, I’ve got to set you free.

Could you tell me please if that is fair? After all I gave my heart and care.
With all your lies, I was not aware, and losing you I couldn’t bear.

But if you leave and choose to go, you want her love the best for you.
This time I have nothing to do, just wish you luck forever through.

Give back my heart, and here’s your ring, loosen the bond, untie the string.
I won’t say a word, I won’t complain, goodbye to love, and hi to pain.

I tried so hard so many times, to warm you up here in my arms,
But often when I took the chance, the love we had I couldn’t find.

For so long, love had been lonely, since the day I knew you’re cheating me.
Her photograph that you display, it’s hurting more than I could say.

My skies are dim; they’re filled with clouds, as we end our love and words we vowed.
You darken up my starts above, as I taste the bitterness of your love

If this you case you then must not isolate yourself and just feel sad. You need an outlet to pour out the pain. And you just found the right place and the right friend you are looking for. If you still want to go on with your relationship, I mean if you still feel that love for each other I invite you to learn what to do. With just one click you can find the step to do in order for you to reconnect your love.
We also give advice to women who are most often are dumped by their husband. If it seemed impossible to fix your relationship and that divorce is the only option you will see, check this secret advice for you.

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