Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sad Love Poems For You- The language of my broken heart

Below is a sad love poem dedicated to you; Sad Love poem can be define as the language of your broken heart.
Meditating on sad love poems can help a broken hearted man to come to his senses and be moved to take his ex back. I hope this sad love poem I composed will not only be just rhymes and stanzas of words but will act as a gadget to touch someone else’s sentiment to see and realize the danger of being left behind. And that love must be stronger than pride. After all those outburst of words, when you will find yourself without her, loneliness is encircling you. You may think you can but that is just what you think. The fact is you can't. It's just hard to say it because you think it's a defeat on your part as man to run after a woman. But really you are not running after your woman, you are just proving that you are a man of your word and that you wanted to fulfill your promise. And you know you really love her deep within you. And Now that she is gone you are saying to yourself the poem below;

How Fool I Was To Let You Go


If I could take back those words I said,
Those words I pounded in your head.
I shouldn’t be alone like this,
Filling my days with loneliness.

Day and night I meditate,
Asking myself if it’s too late
Crying so hard the day you left,
Don’t even know what lies ahead

I wounded you with hurting words,
To lose your love I thought I could.
I bowed my head my tears I hold,
As I watch you walk down on the road.

Pride is strong and hatred is long.
I can’t admit that I was wrong
I thought I’d rather be alone,
Until you stepped out of my room.

Your absence taught me what love is,
You mean my life my happiness
Your love, your touch, your warm embrace,
To be with you I really miss.

But could there be another chance,
To hold you once more in my arms?
I feel sorry for what I’ve done;
You know you are the only one.

Oh listen please my little dear,
I didn’t mean to caused you fear
To break your heart it’s hard to bear,
It haunts me back when you’re not here.

Come back to me my dearest one,
I’m reaching out please take my hand
The pain I caused please leave behind,
Let’s go straight and walk the line

With sincerity I let you know,
With all my heart I love you so
I blame myself of losing you,
How fool I was to let you go.

Making Up With Your Ex

Yes my friend, there is no such thing as making up with your ex. Remember your happiness is more important than your pride. But anyway we have prepared for you special strategy to stop that break up and save your relationship.
Sometimes love and hate comes at the same time, but love is powerful and can conquer many things in this world. Make use of that power, don’t delay and take back your ex.
Let’s learn more inside download this



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