Friday, October 8, 2010

Save Marriage- Don't Let it Die, Don't Let It Go

Treasure your relationship. Save your marriage! Save your marriage
What is it that binds two hearts together and makes them one? What is it that can cheer up lonely heart and can heal wounds? It’s a source of happiness if you find a real one, but a cause of heartache if you lose someone. The poem below will tell you what.

Save me please, don’t let me die

Now that you are parting where will I go?
You didn’t hold me dear, what would I do?
When you were happy together, I was there with you
Sharing your happiness and the love you once knew.

Since the day you were one, I stayed in between.
Safe and so secure, no worries deep within.
I don’t have any fear, what tomorrow will bring.
I was sure when you said; your love will never end.

Those promises you’ve made, I heard and I confirmed
The sweet love you had shared, like a fire it had burned.
To know about your love, it’s a story so grand.
It’s me who only know, no one else in the land
You gave honour to me, when finally you agreed
To share your love together, in your words and your deeds
Your promises and vows, are ought to be fulfilled
I was there to support, and give you what you need

You signed up the paper; your decision is smart
As a man and a woman, you have given your hearts.
The moment you were one, new journey you start
With your firm and strong love, death can only set it apart

When you held each other arms, I was always around.
To prove and testify, the true love you both found,
I was just like a rope, your hearts I held and bound
Your hearts that yearned for love, I made them safe and sound

As you travel along, your journey that’s so long.
I notice in between, there’s always something wrong.
Storms days of your love, I hope I can be strong.
To tighten up your love, and help you carry on.

I remember those times when you frequently fight,
Yelling with each other, trying to prove who’s right
Then there comes the silence, the coldness of the night
I began to worry, how can I hold you tight?

Your hearts starts aching, your love starts dying.
I don’t know what to do, to stop you from crying.
No matter how I tried, is always frustrating.
If only you will care, and save me from breaking.

These words I’m uttering, I know you cannot hear.
Even I am pleading, you will not even care.
I sighing and groaning, I know you cannot bear
Both of you are in pain, losing your love that’s dear.

Before I will depart, I have to let you know.
Who am I do you think? And why I was with you.
I said because of me, your love begun to grow.
And now you ignore me, maybe I need to go.
A puzzle it would be, a riddle it may seem.
I am the only reason why, you exchange your wedding ring.
If you let your love go, it’s me you are throwing
If divorce is you choice, you’re casting me the same

Hear me cry when you break up; see me smile when you make up.
So now I’m pleading to you, please go get your ex back
If you still don’t know, I will not go around
I hope you understand, marriage is what I am

Stop that break up and save your marriage, that’s all what is all about this poem. Treasure our marriage and our relationship and don’t let it go.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Love Poems- Restore the lost love, fall in love again

To forgive and forget and fall in love again

Just another love poems that features a love that was lost lost and was found. Never ending love poems can soften our hearts and fall in love again.

To forgive and forget
I thought I will never love again since the day you left.
I thought I will see you no more since the wounds are deep.
I thought it would be only memories that there is to be kept.
To feel your love once more I really don’t expect.
My clouds had been so dark, since you went away.
The road that leads to your arms, I could no longer see.
Thinking maybe our love belongs to yesterday.
If I’m to live alone will be a memory.
But after rain the sun appears and shine.
When you’re back in my arms, the light I finally find.
To erase all those pain and leave the past behind.
To forgive and forget, restore that tie that binds.
I’m sorry for those words, I sorry for the pain.
If your heart I can’t mend, I’m sure I’d be insane.
When you’re not by my side, this life would be in vain.
The love that we lost let it be found again.
For the warmth of our love is a burning ember.
Since the day we were one, if you still remember
When we vowed that our love will be one forever.
In good times and in bad we’ll stick together.
Taste that love is sweeter the second time around.
Not from a stranger, but with each other’s arms.
To part we will never, we’re mean to be just one.
Your heart is my haven until this life is done.
There will be no more fears, there will be no more cries.
The moon is there to shine, that will brighten our skies,
My love will be sincere; yes there’ll be no more lies.
Each night will be goodnight, there will be no goodbyes
Though the trials of life will come by just the same,
The firmness of my love forever will remain.
In joy and in happiness, in heartache and in pain.
To you and you alone, I’ll fall in love again.

Successful relationship is the union of two good forgivers. Notice that both parties must be forgivers to attain success. Forgiveness, when it’s generous can restore the love that was lost and both will fall in love with each other once again. To be a forgiver is quite a challenge especially if you have a hard hearted partner. But if both know how to forgive each other freely then everything will be okay. To the part of the erring one who is asking for forgiveness, forgiveness must not be abuse. If you are forgiven doesn’t mean you will do it again. Things will not be fair. So if you are to restore your happy relationship, forgive each other renew your love and have a brand new start.
 Stop that break up, save your marriage

Stop being lonely

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I will love you forever love poems and love quotes

I will love you forever love poems
Poems are beautiful and lovable to read. They touch our sentiments and fill our empty our hearts. To someone hurt, they prefer sad love poems, break-ups, heartaches and broken heart poems. To some one happy, it’s revealed in the choice of poems they enjoy. To someone deeply in love here’s one for you, I love you forever poem and love quotes;

I will love you forever love

The loveliness of you, is pure gold to my eyes,
Your prettiness I see is diamond that doesn’t last.

The nearness of your love, the sweetness of your kiss
Is like fresh dripping dew in early morning mist.

I hold on to your touch, I hang on to your arms.
Your refreshing smiles add color to my charm.

I took hold of my pen, paint the beauty I see,
After all you will know how much you mean to me.

In this poem I’ll portray what my heart will speak,
And listen carefully not to make a mistake.

As long as I’m done then you will finally see,
How love words will convey, true love for you and me

But no words can come close to the love that I feel
No sounds I can I find for good rhyming to hear

So I would rather say, in words I will express
My purest intention, day by day will increase.

Sharing moments with you when we are together,
Sweetest moments of love, mean to last forever.

Never will I hurt you, yes never I will leave
Now and until tomorrow, my true love I will give

If it happens someday, that you’ll cry and you’ll weep
I will mend it right away with a love that’s so deep.

And if you want to know how long my love will be?
Till the twelfth of never, that’s everlastingly.

Aha! That’s a good one, pleasant to my ear. But I guess that’s just the start of a love’s journey. As you travel along the sea of relationship there will always be waves. Big storm or even tsunami like problems will strike as we sail on by. Many had survived as we see around couples are still together for 50 to 60 years sailing the seven seas of their marriage. But larger number proved to be a failure. After a year or few years of being together comes heartache, break-ups, separation or divorce. So you really need a hard work for your relationship to survive. Think not only yourself but those who will be involve; your partner and your kids if there are. If it happens that you are taking hard time to fulfill your promise anymore; I guess you need to learn how to stop break ups and save your relationship. That’s the way it should be. Learn to love your partner until the twelfth of never, that’s everlastingly.
So till the next poem on the next page

Love poems and sad love quotes -Sweet Memories

 This love poems and love quotes includes sweet memories. We may try to forget the past, to teach our heart to love once more but times are there when memories of yesteryears come across our thoughts. Not that we want to take back those but maybe it’s just a review of what we have gone through. But sometimes maybe the love is still there.

If could be no memories

Your memory still haunts me even now we’re far apart.
I tried so much to ignore it, every time it flashes back.

I just wanted to forget you, for I know you can’t be mine
But I can’t erase your memories, by the passing of the time.

It was been years since your gone dear, when you left the love behind
Still when days are dark and cloudy you are always in my mind.

When the snow falls in the winter, oh it’s cold and so chilly.
With its freezing ice reminds me, your warm love of yesterday

When spring comes in its season, in the merry month of May
And the birds I hear them singing songs of lonely melody.

Summer time is not yet over when I made this poem with color
When I painted it with shades of gray add a meaning even more.

And the windy month comes sooner, how I love to hang around
When those autumn leaves keep falling, make some carpet on the ground

Then another year is over, yes another year have pass
But your memory’s creeping all the more seem it never ever last

Those times we shared together like a long and winding road
But it meant to be just an episode of a story ever told

Sometime when I think of you, Is your love still for me?
But I know it couldn’t be that way, our love belongs to yesterday.

Yes if there could be no memories, just look forward to what’s ahead
I shouldn’t be so sad like this, thinking of you through all my days.

Are you sure you are still in love? Because if that’s the case I can give you some tips on what to do. Or you could watch this video and download this step by step ways on how to take your sweetheart back. Don’t let her be a part of yesterday, take her back today and be with her tomorrow.
But if just want to live with memories and want to overcome your loneliness, this ebook will help you overcome lonliness
Or more poems

sad love poems and quotes- For forsaken woman - The Pain of loving him

 Here’s a Poem for divorced women that I know will fit exactly especially teens encountering such early divorce.  Most young women don’t know the sad consequences of divorce. What they know is that, divorce is a step leading to freedom from emotional imprisonment. They just feel the cruelty of divorce after actual separation. So if you are a woman suffering with the physical and emotional pain inside the bond of your marriage because of your husband’s infidelity and wanted to break free, be sure to be well equip before going out of your door. Don’t rush for decision; seek advice before moving to the next step. So whatever might be the reason for expecting a divorce, I repeat, are you ready for that?
For the main time I got you something to read, a poem for divorced women. Simple poem but I hope you can fine some strength and lesson you can meditate. Just keep going until the end of this article there’s even something better for you to know.  Here’s a poem for you from a friend who’s gonna give you advice in handling the situation;

His Cheating Heart

You came to me my little one, looking for sympathy,
And told me he will go away, and leave you soon one day.
You’ve been alone almost every day, thinking where can he be?
Yes, he is with somebody’s arms, cheating you by the way.

I know it will be hard for you, but then what can you do?
His love had end for you my friend, you have to let him go.
It hurts for you to finally know, that his love is not true,
You tried you beg for his coming back, his heart is not for you.

                                  A double-crosser man he is, not worthy for your kiss,
                                  A false hearted lover truly is, even worse than a thief.
No matter what, no matter which, you know he never change,
Although he knew he’s hurting you, he closed his eyes instead.

So set your mind, be firm and stand beneath the finish line,
You’re not to lose but win the fight, if you would take my hand
Your heart may break; your thought may crumble, but never will your mind,
You’re losing him, your heart may crash, let not your life go down.

Stand up straight, lift up your head, your sight you throw them far,
The sun is up the moon is bright just hold on to the star.
Forget his love, his treacherous heart; don’t let it be a mar,
The years will pass and you will laugh cos you will find no scar.

So buckle up, let’s start the flight, we’re up to leave the ground
Just hold your breath, away we fly to explore the world around.
Cos it has been a little while your locked in with those wounds,
Open your eyes and look around, there’s many to be found.

Sometime it’s sad when bad times comes, that’s what life is all about,
One day is up, next day is down, let’s face without a doubt’.
Doors they close and doors they open, we enter in an out,
You had his love; he took it back, now you can live without.

If the poem contains a situation similar to yours, you must really need some loving assistance. A friend’s advice is available for you to know the things you should know to avoid the sad consequences of divorce. Your preparing in advance would mean the future of your innocent kids and maintaining your lifestyle even you are divorced. Click here to meet another friend inside who will give more advice for you.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Poems About Heartache or Sad Love Poems Features The Bitterness of Your Love

Poems about heartache can also be sad love poems. This poem is not just a poem but it can be real to those once experience the bitterness of love. If we are not in the situation we don’t know exactly how it feels. But the deepest wound someone could ever inflict to his partner is when you ask back her ring because you found someone new. When you untie the string that bind your hearts and let your love go heartache comes. I think that would be considered cruelty. But it happens that’s why we cry. It was said that “Love is a many splendored thing” But it could be a many hurtful things. So we need to take good care of relationship and cherish it. Treasure it like a precious diamond in our hands. To think that love is sweeter the second time around is a big error someone will think of. If it was hard for you the first one, you might learn a lesson but it doesn’t mean you will do better if you find a new one. Cos what really matters is how you handle your relationship. Love is not a game to play nor is a food that if you don’t like the taste you just spit it out. Love should be a lasting bond for those who can keep it. But whether we wanted so much that our relationship be firm, sometimes we don’t know the reason why. Even once true love must have to say goodbye. Others consider it an accident which I doubt it is. It must be carelessness. Anyhow that’s the reason why poems about heartache or sad love poems are composed not because of the poet’s great imagination but because it’s true to life situations.
The Bitterness of your love- Poems about heartache
How sweet to hear those endearing words, it touch my heart my innermost.
I wonder if they’re true or false, that I’m the one you love the most.

I did believe you anyway, I was convinced you’re there for me.
But then you change so suddenly, you said, I’ve got to set you free.

Could you tell me please if that is fair? After all I gave my heart and care.
With all your lies, I was not aware, and losing you I couldn’t bear.

But if you leave and choose to go, you want her love the best for you.
This time I have nothing to do, just wish you luck forever through.

Give back my heart, and here’s your ring, loosen the bond, untie the string.
I won’t say a word, I won’t complain, goodbye to love, and hi to pain.

I tried so hard so many times, to warm you up here in my arms,
But often when I took the chance, the love we had I couldn’t find.

For so long, love had been lonely, since the day I knew you’re cheating me.
Her photograph that you display, it’s hurting more than I could say.

My skies are dim; they’re filled with clouds, as we end our love and words we vowed.
You darken up my starts above, as I taste the bitterness of your love

If this you case you then must not isolate yourself and just feel sad. You need an outlet to pour out the pain. And you just found the right place and the right friend you are looking for. If you still want to go on with your relationship, I mean if you still feel that love for each other I invite you to learn what to do. With just one click you can find the step to do in order for you to reconnect your love.
We also give advice to women who are most often are dumped by their husband. If it seemed impossible to fix your relationship and that divorce is the only option you will see, check this secret advice for you.

Poems to Take Her Back-After I cheated her

 In this poem, to take her back is quite a little challenge, but take courage if you are in this situation I’m sure you can! If you really want to take her back no matter how hard it is; “If there’s a will, there’s a way.”
The case in this poem is real; I mean, it’s happening to anyone. It’s a factor that possibly leads to separation or divorce. You can hide it but you cannot hide the effect. You can deny it but you cannot escape from the consequences of not being faithful. But if it happened that you did it by accident which is still inexcusable, take your time, read this poem in between lines and see how she was severely hurt. Think not pull her back but how to heal the wounds. Remember, every wound can heal though it will leave a scar. As they say, time will heal a broken heart. Or love can mend a crush emotion. So the thing you must know is how to do it. And your point for now is to take her back, slowly, gently and tenderly. There will always be a sad consequence of the grievous thing you’ve done, so it take a lot of effort on your part to show her in words and in deeds that you love her most of all.  So get set and start reading this poem to take her back;

After I Cheated Her

Don’t ask me how, don’t ask me why please don’t demand for a reply.
I cheated her and made her cry, I can’t take it back even though I try.

To be in someone else’s arms, who trap and blind me with her charm.
That after all her love is gone, cos she’s just in for one night stand

A foolish one, a stupid man, I hate myself for what I’ve done.
I broke the only tie that binds,it’s all because of roses and wine.

What hope is there for me to see? What chance I have for her to stay?
I cheated her ,did on my way, and now she’s gone so far away.

Now I must pay the entire price, I played on fire I sacrifice.
Her love is cold as cold as ice, she couldn’t bear with all my lies

What would I do, Please tell me what? To explain, really I’m not sure of that.
I know I cannot live without, I really want to take her back.

And so she has the right to go, and maybe find somebody new.
But all I need is let her know, I didn’t mean to hurt her so.

How many words I need to say, to make her understand my way?
Yes I admit I did betray, It’s her I love most anyway.

Is there a possibility? that she will soon be back someday.
If you say “yes” what would it be? I need your help please answer me.

 Well, there’s a possibility if you would like to. That’s why we have professional counsellors to give us the proper step by step advice on how to save our marriage and stop divorce. They will take you by the hand, instruct you on what you should do and what not to do in order for you to soften her heart.  You are more than welcome to learn more on how to take her back if you go inside. Click Here!

Poems About Heartache- Broken heart leads to broken trust

Poem about heartaches or heartache poems comes in many kinds. This poem about heart ache I chose for you today is one form of the many kinds. There are many reasons why we experience heartache; it maybe because we are in despair, or maybe we lost our love one in death etc. Another reason is when the one we truly love, whom we once shared our life and whom we put our trust betrays us. That after all those sweet moments you were happy together it is so sad to discover that he has been doing it in secret for long time. But ill things have wings. It can fly like an eagle in the sky and will not be a secret anymore. This will result to broken heart that leads to broken trust. Once trust is broken, is like a glass once it’s broken, hopelessness is there. You can glue the pieces together but the mark will still be there. It will not be the same the way it appears originally. The survival of the relationship depends on the innocent if he will let it go and leave the past behind or he will choose    to end the bond of love.

My Broken Trust
Oh could you please stop blaming me, if the road leads to separate way.
I stayed on tract drove steadily, but it is you who led astray.

I didn’t wander all around; my eyes were focus on your ground.
My heart is real, my love abounds, cos I don’t like to let you down.

As we drive through life’s winding road, the weather though is very cold
We shared our vows much as we could, that lightens up our every load.

You sheltered me in your loving care; I made your world my own.
Your warm embrace, your sweetest kiss, your love I do belong.

I put my trust, my precious trust to you and you alone,
I’m confident your love is mine, forever I will own.

One coldest night when sleep is tight, the moon don’t shed its light,
You’re mumbling forth a pretty name; I heard it clear and bright.

Is there something you want to hide, I didn’t realize,
I let it go; I let it pass for everything’s alright.

And up one day you got a call, you said you need to go,
Is it for work or anywhere, I just wanted to know?

You said it’s just a friend of yours, who has nothing to do,
But in your eyes your telling me, you’re lying aren’t you?

Here comes the mail, are they all bills? But with it something new,
Guess what is it? A soft pink card, it’s written just for you.

I watch you shake a little bit; you don’t know what to do,
I handed the mail, and there you go! Love quotes from her to you.

My world went whirling all around, to know you cheated me,
Despite the trust I put on you, how dare you to betray.

Just read the card and you will see, she’s missing you today,
You can’t deny, with kiss she sealed, to you exclusively.

It’s hard for me to understand about your treacherous way,
For all I know your love is mine, that’s what you promise me.

But I came to realize, my eyes can clearly see,
Your words are words just flowery words; it’s just easy to say.

My mind is shattered, my world seem to end, my heart is truly crash,
I am confuse, what will I do, our love is soon to last.

I feel the love we used to have is leaving on a rush,
I look at you and hope you’ll know about my broken trust.

So sad to watch one love go by, but what are we to do? If you are in the position of the woman, how would you feel? Well, what’s done is done. The man will surely reap what he had sown. What about the innocent woman? Is she supposed to suffer too? Not suppose to, but she doesn’t have a choice, she is the one who is wounded by the sword of his betrayal. She is the victim of someone else’s infidelity. This poem about heartache is intended to sympathize with the victims of love especially women to help them take the best step so they will not suffer that much. Their hearts may take a little long time to heal but they will not be totally cast aside financially and etc; especially if the future of kids is involve. Advice is available inside for you.

Goodbye Love Poems-A time to part

Goodbye love poems for her is a poem that I composed for someone who has no choice but to say goodbye to once sweet and true relationship. People do cry whenever they hear the word goodbye in songs and in poems. But sometimes saying goodbye doesn’t always mean to be forever. If you just know how to use the word goodbye as a bridge to leave a stormy past and start a brand new rainbow-like renewed relationship tomorrow is what this poem is all about. With mending a relationship in my mind, I put my heart into it, to be able to know how it feels and to give a tip for a man the best thing to do at times like this. Remember, parting with her doesn’t mean you’re losing her but it could mean refreshing or renewing your feeling as you meditate on the next step to do. Let’s see how this “Goodbye Love Poems for her” from you goes;

Time To Part

Tonight we set the time, the time to part,
We wanted to be free, we agreed for that.
But the closer to that hour, it hurts too much.
To say good bye, to let you go, it breaks my heart.

With your soft voice, you handed me your wedding ring,
You’re so confuse, as you start up packing your things.
I watch the clock and I’m scared the bell will ring,
I’m not so sure when you’ll be gone, what life will bring

I want to cry, oh how I sigh to let you go,
For deep in me, the love still there, you never know.
I hadn’t only had much time to be with you,
And say the words you long to hear, “I LOVE YOU SO.”

The days went by, my absence sure you’ve been lonely.
I only know your always there waiting for me.
But I was wrong to drive my car and stayed away.
I took for granted the love you had, that’s all for me.

You sob and said, when I was gone, you were in pain,
and you are right to say I’m wrong, I don’t complain.
But if you give me one last chance, I will explain.
I always dream that you’ll be in my arms again.

There’s only 30 minutes more that’s left for me,
To buy your love, gain back your trust and make you see.
But then I thought there’s nothing more than I can do,
The time is up that soon it’s time for you to go.

I want to plead; I want beg and bend my knees, 
but does it work for leaving me your mind is set?
I looked at you and I just hope you’ll be okay, 
 and if you’re not, I hope you will come back someday.
My heart it breaks as tears are rolling down your cheeks,
seems telling me that I’m not doing all my best.
Does these all mean that our love is being put to test?
 To let you go or shall I stop you with a kiss.

Your feet, they tremble as you walk right through the door,
You glance awhile, you said goodbye, your voice stutter.
So speechless I am, I couldn’t speak, no words to utter,
My world is dark and oh! So dark be dark forever.

But then it clicks inside mind, what I should say,
To give you time, relax your mind if it’s really me?
To ease your pain, while you’re away,
I’ll set you free, the world is cramp; I know I will find you someday.

To grab you hands and pull you back will hurt you more,
To let you go means I will love you even more.
I’ll take my time; yes I will wait a little more,
 That once again our love will be forevermore.

I’ll promise you not long from now,I’ll will be there,
That once again, your heart and mine will be together.
I won’t delay, I will be prompt it’s now or never,
True love we shared will once again be bound forever.

.............The end....................
So this parting time is just for temporary, it will not be forever if we are to save our marriage and avoid separation or divorce. Love is a beautiful thing. Don’t let it go!
Did you notice the man didn’t rush but meditated before saying a word? Who knows the result, if we are to continue the story I bet the girl will stay. What do you think?
He knows being rough will just make things worse. Get advice click here
He maybe speechless but he was just discreet.

He is making sure that if he speaks, he’ll say the best. But then he did after he thought of what to say.
How sweet kind words, I’m sure she will be touch one day. A woman is a woman, who is made more fragile than a man,
Her heart is soft you need to know how to treat her so. Before you proceed to take her back this one’s for you.
Download it now and you will learn more what to do.

Sad Love Poems For her- Relationship is not always full of sunshine and roses

I dedicate this" Sad Love Poems For Her" to those who are concern; In marriage, we know things will not always be filled with sunshine and roses. Relationships don't always turn out to what we expected. It is not a Romeo and Juliet story but it's a journey full of uncertainties and insecurities that make us unhappy and sometimes dissatisfied.There are many reasons we can point that success in a relationship is hard to achieve. One is that we misinterpret the meaning of good communication. We thought communication is just throwing out words to our mate without listening to them and understanding their emotional settings. We don't realize that good communication needs to be calm, honest confession and readiness to forgive and forget. Good communication calls out for true love and affection on both sides. We communicate because we want to repair things and not to destroy or worsen the pain. If we find ourselves doing the negative way to communicate, we better not. Just in case it seem a little to late for you to take her back,take a little breath,meditate and read this poem. I just hope this sad love poems for her will touch your heart and realize how dear she is for you. And you should know that it is important to know the answer if you should take her back or you should not? Here's a sad love poems for her from you.

Should I take her back, or should I not?

I'm asking myself a thousand times,
If our once sweet love still have chance.
With our broken hearts, and our tortured mind,
Seem hard to heal like an open wound.

Watch the burning bridges in between, there's no more way to take you in.
It blurs our hope burns everything, what more is there, but let it end.

The smoke is up the sky is black, that left me wondering in the dark.
Like walls that divide and make a gap, means never will your love be back.
If there could be no memory, that brings my mind to yesterday.
I'm sure I will be fine someday, and start my life a brand new way.

I hope that years would speed away, to delete the past life's history.
For in my head, oh! so heavy, I couldn't bear a single day.

But there's one thing I know for certain, that losing you brings endless pain.
To live this life would be in vain, I cannot take you back again.

In weighing scale I put you there, just to know how precious you are dear.
Your love that's sweet your tender care, a treasure that's beyond compare.

When I ask myself what's all about, I don't how to work it out.
A man I am but still in doubt, should I take you back or should I not?

I know it's kind of hard to say, I love you still but there's no way.
My pride is up can't bend my knee, though pain is creeping deep in me.

If you could hear my heart speak, and listen how strong the beat.
You thought you should have never left, you'll know you are my happiness

I'm sure the best thing I must do, is lift my feet and follow you.
Open my mouth to let you know, my heart will only be for you.

And fin'lly I made up my mind,that I will never waste my time.
For hurting you I was so blind, and once again,could you be mind?

When I told myself I was in doubt, to take you back or should I not.
It's not because my love had stop, to set you free, that's all about.

I'm wish when you'll be away, you will enjoy life's happy day.
With someone's arm you'll be safe someday, and he will dry your tears away.

But that is not the way it should be, to see those tears, its hard for me.
The pain I cause  I'll chase them away, you know I love you anyway.

Wherever you maybe my love, here in my arms do please come back.
I'll patch and mend your broken heart, because you are my other half.

And if you don't come back to me, the seven seas I sail away.
I'll travel far for you to see, how much I want you here with me.

I think I really need advice,
From a friend to help me realize,
                                 To show step with his loving guide
And take you back here at my side.

Should I take her back or should I not? The answer is clear no one can stop,
I made up my mind to to take you back, With the magic of making up!
Stop the break up and save your relationship. Learn more what to do inside

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sad Love Poems For You- The language of my broken heart

Below is a sad love poem dedicated to you; Sad Love poem can be define as the language of your broken heart.
Meditating on sad love poems can help a broken hearted man to come to his senses and be moved to take his ex back. I hope this sad love poem I composed will not only be just rhymes and stanzas of words but will act as a gadget to touch someone else’s sentiment to see and realize the danger of being left behind. And that love must be stronger than pride. After all those outburst of words, when you will find yourself without her, loneliness is encircling you. You may think you can but that is just what you think. The fact is you can't. It's just hard to say it because you think it's a defeat on your part as man to run after a woman. But really you are not running after your woman, you are just proving that you are a man of your word and that you wanted to fulfill your promise. And you know you really love her deep within you. And Now that she is gone you are saying to yourself the poem below;

How Fool I Was To Let You Go


If I could take back those words I said,
Those words I pounded in your head.
I shouldn’t be alone like this,
Filling my days with loneliness.

Day and night I meditate,
Asking myself if it’s too late
Crying so hard the day you left,
Don’t even know what lies ahead

I wounded you with hurting words,
To lose your love I thought I could.
I bowed my head my tears I hold,
As I watch you walk down on the road.

Pride is strong and hatred is long.
I can’t admit that I was wrong
I thought I’d rather be alone,
Until you stepped out of my room.

Your absence taught me what love is,
You mean my life my happiness
Your love, your touch, your warm embrace,
To be with you I really miss.

But could there be another chance,
To hold you once more in my arms?
I feel sorry for what I’ve done;
You know you are the only one.

Oh listen please my little dear,
I didn’t mean to caused you fear
To break your heart it’s hard to bear,
It haunts me back when you’re not here.

Come back to me my dearest one,
I’m reaching out please take my hand
The pain I caused please leave behind,
Let’s go straight and walk the line

With sincerity I let you know,
With all my heart I love you so
I blame myself of losing you,
How fool I was to let you go.

Making Up With Your Ex

Yes my friend, there is no such thing as making up with your ex. Remember your happiness is more important than your pride. But anyway we have prepared for you special strategy to stop that break up and save your relationship.
Sometimes love and hate comes at the same time, but love is powerful and can conquer many things in this world. Make use of that power, don’t delay and take back your ex.
Let’s learn more inside download this
